Massive landslides wreaked havoc in the Wayanad district of Kerala leaving at least 84 people, including children dead and leaving several families missing. According to reports, the Mundakkai town was completely swept away by the landslide. Chooralmala, Attamala, and Noolpuzha villages were the other areas hit and cut off by the landslides.
In the wake of the devastating cyclonic storm "Michaung" that pounded Chennai, the state capital of Tamil Nadu in South India, and left a trail of destruction across the state, the Salesian community emerged as a beacon of hope, resilience, and compassion amid the chaos. The cyclone, which struck with unprecedented force, disrupted the lives of thousands, submerging entire neighbourhoods and claiming the homes of countless families.
The heavy rainfall and the consequent floods have devastated the state of Kerala, claiming the lives of many and displacing thousands since last week. Rescue efforts are in full swing with the help of local administrators everywhere. The rainfall has partially subsided in central Kerala, but the threat of landslides and severe waterlogging across multiple districts persists. Kerala has seen a series of natural disasters in the past four years, causing loss of lives and property. The residents of the Kottayam district have witnessed a tragedy of such magnitude for the first time.