
The 225 Chapter members gathered in the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians to celebrate the Ash Wednesday rite, presided over by Fr. Giuseppe Roggia.

- Courtesy: ANS – Turin

A complete immersion in the synodal method is underway for the 225 Chapter members gathered in Turin, including Provincials and delegates from around the world, tasked with shaping the future of the Salesian Congregation for the next six years.

- Courtesy: ANS – Turin

The General Chapter (GC29) is unfolding as a great spiritual retreat in the form of a conversation, with participants carrying in their minds and hearts the realities of their respective places of origin.

- Courtesy: SDB.ORG

On Friday morning, February 28, the 29th General Chapter (GC29) took a significant step forward in its "structuring" process. After a keynote speech by Fr. Pascual Chávez, Rector Major Emeritus, who offered an "intentional" rather than chronological reflection on the first two weeks of the worldwide Salesian assembly, a structured working method was introduced to enhance the effectiveness of the six Commissions.

- Courtesy: SDB.ORG

For some members of GC 29, the visit to Courgné, Italy—the birthplace of St. Callisto Caravario, the Salesian protomartyr—on Sunday, March 2, was a profoundly moving experience. It was a journey that brought to mind and heart the memory of a man who gave everything to the Lord.

- Previnth Joe Tony SDB

Speaking to the media at GC 29, General Councilor for Formation Father Ivo Coelho, said, “Formation is relationship…it lasts till we die.”  He further said, “It is in relationship youngsters begin to grow, and develop their potentialities. Preventive system is our style of formation.”  

- Courtesy: SDB.ORG

Friday, February 28, 2025, marked the second consecutive day of the 29th General Chapter (GC29), during which the Chapter members played a decisive role in determining the themes to be addressed in the assembly. As repeatedly emphasized by the president, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, the questions and considerations raised represent a valuable contribution to analyzing the current situation and defining the guidelines that will shape the future journey of the Congregation.

- Courtesy: SDB.ORG

The reflection of the Chapter members at the 29th General Chapter, currently underway in Turin-Valdocco, reached a significant turning point on Thursday, February 27. After the intense early days dedicated to the reports of the Rector Major and the General Councillors, the Chapter members moved into a more interactive and proactive phase. Observations, questions, and participant proposals began to flow to the Chapter President, Fr Stefano Martoglio, creating a more focused and structured dialogue.

- Courtesy:- sdb.org

Though it's a matter of concern regarding the recent data which shows a steady decline in the number of Salesians worldwide, the words of Br. Marco Bay is a source of encouragement to continue the mission for the young. "At the end of 2024, we count 13,575 confreres," stated Br. Marco Bay. However, he urged the assembly not to be swayed by economic models chasing the myth of continuous growth. "The local level is increasingly more important than the global level because people matter the most," he added.

- ANS – Turin

Br. Jean Paul Muller, Economer General, presented the Congregation's economic status, highlighting the progress made and the challenges ahead. His presentation emphasized the importance of sustainable and responsible management of the Congregation's resources, promoting an increasingly effective Salesian mission.

- ANS – Turin

Don Stefano Martoglio, the Vicar of the Rector Major, presented the report of the Rector Major on the state of the Salesian Congregation in the last five-year period at the GC29 on 25 February. The report, given to the participants of GC 29, is based on the action programme of the Rector Major for the Salesian Congregation after GC28, expressed in 8 priority areas.

- Banzelao Teixeira SDB

The Regional Councillor of South Asia, Father Biju Michael SDB, presented the region's report to the participants of GC 29 on 24 February. He communicated the status of the Salesian ministry in South Asia using graphs, statistics, PowerPoint presentations, and videos. His engaging presentation left a strong impression on the chapter members, prompting a chapter member from Spain to exclaim, "India has so many provinces, Salesians, and you are all doing immense work for young people."


- Previnth Joe Tony SDB

The President of General Chapter 29, Father Stefano Martoglio, explained that knowing and understanding the Congregation is essential for meaningful engagement in the coming days of the Chapter and for better participation and decision-making.

- ANS – Turin

The Provincial of Bangalore Province, Father Dr Jose Koyickal, spoke to the media from the birthplace of Don Bosco during GC29. In his message to the confreres, he said, “We need to live the dream and spirit of Don Bosco today…we need to love Don Bosco, know Don Bosco, and model after the life of Don Bosco with passion for young people.”

The great innovation of GC29 is the intensive use of technology. Each Chapter member is given a tablet dedicated exclusively to Chapter activities. The device contains study documents, written contributions proposed by delegates, a map of working commissions, and a common schedule updated in real time.

- ANS – Turin