If you have a strong love for the poor young and for the salvation of souls, you are eligible to become a Salesian.


In 1859 Don Bosco founded the Salesian Society in Turin (Italy). This Society was to be made up of Salesian brothers and Salesian priests, all of whom, walking in the Founder’s footsteps, would dedicate their lives to God in the service of the young, especially the poorest among them.

Today about 14,000 Salesians (both brothers and priests) carry on the mission of Don Bosco in over 130 countries around the world. But, there still persists an immensity of needy young people everywhere.

Should you, therefore, as a boy or young man feel inspired to join hands with Don Bosco and offer yourself to God in the service of poor youth as a Salesian brother or a Salesian priest, here is some information you may find useful.


The Salesian Brother is a consecrated lay religious, who works in a secular field and by his consecrated life proclaims and bears witness to a convinced life of faith with total dedication to God by being an educator and pastor of the young. He lives in a Salesian community and strives to be a sign of God's love for the young, especially the poorest young by living a radically evangelical style of life lived in prayer. An "authentic manner of living together" for an "authentic proclamation".


The Salesian priest is different from a diocesan priest in that he is first and foremost a person consecrated by God in his religious profession, and as such, therefore, is “a living memorial of Jesus’ way of living and acting” through the vows of obedience, poverty and chastity. He lives, prays and works in community together with his Salesian confreres. He is committed to the mission to young people, especially the poor and abandoned, as he works for their total salvation after the example of Don Bosco. To this mission he brings his specific contribution: acting in the name of Christ the Shepherd, he carries out the ministry of the Word, of sanctification and of pastoral care.
