Don Bosco College commenced its College Week 2025 with a spirited inaugural ceremony on February 3, featuring a blend of academic celebration, cultural performances, and motivational discourses. The event, graced by Shri Atul Bora, Honourable Cabinet Minister of Assam, witnessed a remarkable display of student discipline and institutional pride. Minister Bora received the Guard of Honour, hoisted the college flag, and delivered an inspiring address.
Once the dust settles, reality kicks in! The aftermath of the July landslides in Wayanad, Kerala, adds untold miseries to the script. Seeing their plight, BREADS Bangalore, in collaboration with Don Bosco College Sulthan Bathery, provided basic household articles and essential commodities to over 70 survivors of the landslides that hit Mundakkai and Chooralmala on November 5 as part of # We4You.
DB Jananam (Don Bosco Joint Action for New Alternatives to Narcotics and Alcoholism), the Department of Addiction and Counselling and Treatment Centre of the Salesian Province of Trichy, organized a seminar on Enhancing the Quality of Family Environment at Don Bosco Thanjavur, on October 14. Mrs. Dhanaseeli Thivyanathan, the resource person, spoke about the present family situation, while Ms. Sheela VDB spoke about managing addiction in the family.
A meeting of priests, religious, and lay leaders of neighbouring areas in Bengtol Parish on October 19 resulted in a collaborative effort to support the region's growing migrant-worker population. The meeting, which featured a presentation by Fr. Francis Bosco SDB, National Director of Don Bosco Migrant Services of South Asia, highlighted the urgent need for comprehensive and effective support systems for these vulnerable individuals.
The Salesian Psychological Association (SPA) India is offering a unique opportunity for priests, religious sisters, and brothers to deepen their understanding of sexuality and integrate it into their celibate lifestyles. This five-day residential workshop, scheduled to begin on 15 November 2024, will take place at Ashir Bhavan, Ernakulam, Cochin, Kerala. The event will address contemporary issues related to sexual boundaries, intimacy, celibacy, and psychological maturity.
On the way to Jambagi village in Bidar, North Karnataka, for their field visit, the Don Bosco Centre for Social Action and Movement team chanced upon an accident in Kandgoal involving three individuals from Soraly village. The victims had been informed that the ambulance would take an hour to reach the spot. Understanding the urgency, the medical team quickly provided first aid to the injured and transported them to the Brims Hospital in Bidar for additional treatment.
The Salesian Province of Chennai organized a timely refresher course on spiritual direction as part of its commitment to ongoing formation. Held from September 23 to 27 at the Don Bosco Skill Mission campus in Bangalore, the program brought together 28 spiritual directors. The Don Bosco Renewal Centre (DBRC), Bangalore, facilitated the course to deepen the Salesians' understanding and practice of spiritual direction.
The second day of the National Migrant Workshop, held in Mumbai on August 17, organized by the Don Bosco for Migrants (DB4M) network partners, saw a collaborative effort with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI), Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) and other organizations. Together, they drew a comprehensive roadmap for enhancing migrant services, including shelter and basic needs, source and destination services, emergency helplines, data collection, networking and advocacy, workers' collectives, and social integration.
A two-day International Workshop on “Mobile and Pornography Addictions in the New Digital World” was successfully organized by the Salesian Psychological Association (SPA) at the Don Bosco Provincial House, Bangalore, on August 10-11. The event attracted significant participation, with 65 attendees comprising psychologists, counsellors, principals, teachers, social workers, and research scholars from across India.
Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk organized a transformative two-day seminar on 20 and 21 September at the Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre (DBYAC) Ennore, Chennai, for over 90 enthusiastic participants from the eleven Provinces of India. The theme, "Enhancing Mental Well-being of Young at Risk,"ignited a powerful dialogue on nurturing the mental health of youth. The psychological services of Chennai Province Niraivagam facilitated the seminar.
In a powerful demonstration of unity and unwavering dedication to safeguarding the Rights of Children, Dimapur, Nagaland, witnessed an inspiring walkathon organized by AIDA for a Child-Friendly Dimapur on September 23. The event was designed to raise awareness about the fundamental rights of children, foster community solidarity, and champion the cause of a pristine and secure environment for the younger generation.
In a significant initiative aimed at curbing drug addiction and preventing school dropouts among the youth, Rajanagar Parish of Arunachal Pradesh organized a one-day awareness programme on September 10. Sr. Jacinta Topno, FMA, the resource person, shared valuable insights on combating these pressing issues with 231 young persons.