The 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation elected Fr. Gabriel Stawowy from Poland as the new Economer General of the Congregation. As the new Economer General, Fr. Gabriel brings decades of financial and administrative expertise to ensure the responsible stewardship of Salesian resources in service of the Congregation’s mission worldwide. He is fluent in Polish, Italian, and English.
The 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation elected Fr. Fidel Maria Orendain as the new General Councilor for Social Communication. He was the Provincial of the Mary Help of Christians, Province of Southern Philippines (FIS).
The 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation elected Fr. Jorge Mario Crisafulli as the new General Councillor for the Missions. He was the Provincial Superior of the Africa Nigeria-Niger Province (ANN). Fluent in Spanish, English, and Italian, Fr. Crisafulli steps into his new role, bringing decades of missionary experience and leadership to the global Salesian Congregation.
The 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation elected Fr. Rafael Bejarano as the new General Councillor for the Youth Ministry. Fr. Rafael Bejarano Rivera, a Salesian from the San Luis Bertrán Province of Colombia-Medellín (COM), was born on December 1, 1977, in Buga, Colombia.
The 29th General Chapter of the Salesian Congregation elected Fr. Silvio Roggia as the new General Councillor for Formation. Fr. Silvio Roggia, an Italian Salesian originally from Piedmont, was born on July 4, 1963, in Novello, Province of Cuneo, in the Diocese of Alba.
Fr. Fabio Attard, the new Rector Major and 11th Successor of Don Bosco, presided over his first Mass at the Basilica of Mary Help of Christians in Valdocco, Turin. It was a solemn and profoundly spiritual occasion marked by gratitude and reflection, during which the Salesian Family gathered to thank God for the Eucharist gift and meditate on the mission and vision of Don Bosco's successor.
In a 20-minute speech, Fr. Fabio, the newly elected Rector Major, outlined perspectives and clear priorities, offering thought-provoking challenges. Speaking in a warm and direct tone, he emphasized the importance of clarity in Salesian identity and the significance of the day's event.
The 29th General Chapter of the Society of St. Francis de Sales elected Fr. Stefano Martoglio as the Vicar of the Rector Major, a post he was already holding. Confirming his election, a long and warm round of applause welcomed Fr. Stefano in the Teatro Grande of Valdocco.
Contacted by phone after the first round of voting in which he was elected Rector Major, Fr Attard, with a calm yet emotional voice, responded to the question posed by the President of the General Chapter, Fr. Stefano Martoglio, whether he would accept this new responsibility: "If my confreres have placed their trust in me, with the Grace of God, I will do my best." Fr. Fabio Attard, 66, with 45 years of Salesian life, is the first Maltese Salesian to hold this role.
A visionary and charismatic leader, Fr. Fabio Attard brings to the helm of the Salesian Congregation a profound spirituality, a dynamic and forward-thinking vision, and decades of rich pastoral and administrative experience. As the new Rector Major, Fr. Fabio Attard will lead a Congregation of 13,750 consecrated Salesians, organized in 92 provinces and present in 136 nations.
A group of seven Salesian Cooperators from Don Bosco School Park Circus, Kolkata, attended an insightful animation session on Family, led by Fr. Dr. Mathew Pulingathil, Rector and Parish Priest of Don Bosco School and Parish Mirik, on March 22.
Fr Fabio Attard has been elected as the new Rector Major of the Salesian Congregation by the Chapter members at the General Chapter 29 in Voldocco, Italy. He dons the mantle as the 11th successor of Don Bosco. Viva Don Bosco! Viva Don Fabio!
Fr Biju Michael, Regional Councillor for South Asia speaks to the media at the GC29 venue.
Watch the interview here:
On the occasion of the election of the new Rector Major, the XI Successor of Don Bosco leading the Salesian Congregation, the iNfo Salesiana Agency will broadcast live the ceremony of the profession of faith and the greeting of the Chapter members to the Newly elected Rector Major. The live stream will begin on Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 10:30 AM (UTC+1) on the ANS YouTube channel and Facebook page.
The week ahead represents a crucial moment for the 29th General Chapter (GC29). During this period, the capitulars will elect the 11th Successor of Don Bosco, along with the Vicar General and the General Councillors. The election of the new Rector Major will take place on Tuesday, March 25.