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Salesian Provincials Conference of South Asia - SPCSA
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The Salesian Social Forum (SSF), a group of like-minded Salesians, held a two-day National Convention at Don Bosco Provincial House, Hyderabad, on August 10-11. The event, titled "Contextualizing the Dream of Don Bosco: A South Asian Workshop by Salesians in India Today," brought together about 40 Salesians from various Indian provinces to explore ways to renew Don Bosco's vision for the poor.

11 Sustainable cities and communities
16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
17 Partnership for the goals
- Francis Bosco

The second day of the National Migrant Workshop, held in Mumbai on August 17, organized by the Don Bosco for Migrants (DB4M) network partners, saw a collaborative effort with the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI), Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) and other organizations. Together, they drew a comprehensive roadmap for enhancing migrant services, including shelter and basic needs, source and destination services, emergency helplines, data collection, networking and advocacy, workers' collectives, and social integration.

03 Good health and well-being
08 Decent work and economic growth
10 Reduced inequality
17 Partnership for the goals
- DB4M - Francis Bosco
The National Migrant Workshop, a significant event held in Mumbai on August 16-17, provided a vital platform for the Don Bosco for Migrants Network (DB4M) to learn, share, and address the pressing challenges of the distressed migrants in India. The workshop saw active participation from DB4M representatives from all Indian provinces, including religious and Church bodies CCBI and CBCI, NGOs, and Trade Unions, fostering a diverse and collaborative environment.
03 Good health and well-being
08 Decent work and economic growth
10 Reduced inequality
17 Partnership for the goals
- DB4M - Francis Bosco

The Vicar of the Salesian Congregation, Fr Stefano Martoglio, took charge ad interim until the election of the Rector Major, which will take place during the 29th General Chapter in Turin from February 16 to April 12, 2025. This was communicated by the Cardinal Angel Fernandez Artime, who resigned from the office of the Rector Major of the Society of St Francis de Sales upon being ordained as a Cardinal.

- Joseph PT

The Salesian Youth Synod (SYS 2024), an event marked by deep reflection and dynamic engagement, has entered its final stages with a clear focus on the future of the Salesian movement and its impact on young people worldwide. Hosted at Valdocco, the birthplace of Don Bosco, the Synod has brought together 376 participants, including 292 young people from 93 countries. The SYS 2024 is a significant event commemorating the bicentenary of Don Bosco's transformative dream at the age of nine. The synod began on August 11, 2024.

- Joseph PT
22 August 2023

During the 71st Annual Meet of SIGA Past Pupils Unit (SIGAPPU) held on August 15 at SIGA Campus, the Department of Printing inaugurated the Ink Kitchen as part of research and training for their diploma students. Ink kitchen is where ink formulations are created by mixing various components, such as pigments, binders, solvents, and additives. The mixing process is precise to achieve the desired ink colour and properties.

The Salesian Institute of Graphic Arts (SIGA), a private Don Bosco Higher Education Institution (HEI) of the Province of Chennai, has initiated activities required by the Institution Innovative Cell (IIC) of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Ministry of Education (MoE) for the first quarter. Registered in 2020, SIGA participates in IIC 5.0 to foster a culture of Innovation amongst the staff and students. As an outcome, the final-year student of the Diploma in Printing Technology are working on innovative ideas, including new-age printing inks from seeds. And the past pupils are exploring how to transform campus with ideas, prototypes, and start-ups under YUKTI National Innovation Challenges https://yukti.mic.gov.in

04 Quality education

A niche job fair for the media and entertainment sector was organized by the Media and Entertainment Skills Council [MESC] under the aegis of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) and the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), Government of India. The event was hosted by SIGA Polytechnic College in the Don Bosco Mediapolis Campus, Chennai on November24, 2022. Jainaressh, the Head South Region and Archana Sharma, the Business Development Manager of MESC were present. 

04 Quality education

GOLAGHAT: Finance, Women and Child Development Minister, Smt. Ajanta Neog inaugurated the 1st and 2nd floor of Academic Arts Building, Computer Lab and Solar Panel Power Plant on 12 November 2022. The program was organized by the Don Bosco College management and Student’s Forum under the leadership of Father  Amaladoss, SDB, Vice Principal of Don Bosco College, Golaghat. Chairperson of Golaghat Municipality, Mrs. Du lumoni Borbora attended the inauguration ceremony among many well-wishers, fathers, sisters,friends and special invitees. This initiative is aimed to improve the average literacy rate of Golaghat from 69.38 in 2001 to 77.43 in 2011 and beyond. 

04 Quality education
- Amaladoss, SDB

RMG -- “The social media has allowed people to stay connected globally, empower each of us to update each other what is happening in our lives, share powerful ideas, and invite people to know Jesus Christ. It is also true that the social media could in some way hinder authentic interpersonal relationships. These could be used as a platform to distribution and access to materials that could cause moral, social and spiritual harm. Nevertheless, the social media have become our virtual courtyard. Therefore, it is important that we move from demonising the medium, to educating young people to its proper use and to developing its potentials to evangelise.

- AustraLasia: Fr. Alfred Maravilla SDB
6 November 2022

Father Miguel Angel Garcia Morcuende, General Councilor for Youth Ministry of the Salesian congregation met with the Youth Ministry delegates from every South Asian Provinces. The meeting was held at The Citadel, Chennai from from 31st October to 4th November 2022 and was attended by the South Asian Youth Ministry Team headed by Father Robert Simon, Father Paul Lynkgot, Provincial-in-charge of Youth Ministry and the heads of related ministries in the region. Father John Christy, the YM Delegate of the hosting province co-ordinated the logistics.

- Fr. Ralin De Souza SDB

The General Councilor for Youth Ministry, Fr. Miguel Angel García Morcuende, visited the India-Chennai Province (INM) from October 25-31. Despite the little time, he was able to visit 16 Salesian houses, starting from the Provincial House where he met with the heads of the Salesian Institute of Graphic Arts (SIGA, in English), the Salesian Institute of Communication Arts (DBICA), and the Salesian Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS) in Niraivagam. He was also at "St. Mary's Catholic High School - CBSC" and the Basilica, as well as the local shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes; he went to the "St. Gabriel" center, "Don Bosco Beatitudes," "Don Bosco Tech Campus," as well as "Don Bosco Gandhi Nagar," the Katpadi work, "Don Bosco Polur," in Veeralur, "Don Bosco ITI," "Don Bosco Matriculation School," and "Wisdom Town."

The General Councilor for Youth Ministry, Fr. Miguel Angel García Morcuende, visited the India-Chennai Province (INM) from October 25-31. Despite the little time, he was able to visit 16 Salesian houses, starting from the Provincial House where he met with the heads of the Salesian Institute of Graphic Arts (SIGA, in English), the Salesian Institute of Communication Arts (DBICA), and the Salesian Institute of Psychological Services (DBIPS) in Niraivagam. He was also at "St. Mary's Catholic High School - CBSC" and the Basilica, as well as the local shrine dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes; he went to the "St. Gabriel" center, "Don Bosco Beatitudes," "Don Bosco Tech Campus," as well as "Don Bosco Gandhi Nagar," the Katpadi work, "Don Bosco Polur," in Veeralur, "Don Bosco ITI," "Don Bosco Matriculation School," and "Wisdom Town."

To mark the Platinum Jubilee of SIGA, an institute of graphic arts and printing technology, the President of the All India Federation of Master Printers (AIFMP), Pasupathy Chander, graced the College and Parents Day Celebrations at SIGA Polytechnic College, Chennai. SIGA has been known for its graphic arts technical education for the youth since 1952. 

01 No poverty
04 Quality education