Bosco College of Teacher Education (BCTE), Dimapur, has secured a B++ Grade in its first accreditation cycle by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.86. The B++ grade underscores BCTE’s commitment to academic excellence and continuous development.
Assam Don Bosco University (ADBU) is set to host the International Conference on Emerging and Environment Sustaining Renewable Energy (ICEESRE-2024) on October 24-25, 2024. This conference, a collaborative effort with five Taiwanese universities, aims to promote global progress in renewable energy and ensure access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy by 2030. The contributing Taiwan universities are Cheng Shiu University, National Quemoy University, National Chung Cheng University, Kun Shan University, and Fu Jen Catholic University.
On 13 April seven licensed women drivers drove into the future in their own e-autos in the 7th phase of the WE Auto (Women empowerment through Electric Autos) initiative in Kollam, Kerala; joining the other trailblazers, totalling to 34 women from the local fishing community. They are literally driving change into their own lives and the lives of their communities, with the support of BREADS and its Don Bosco partner Fishermen Community Development Programme (FCDP).
The students of Don Bosco school, Mariapuram, Warangal, in Telangana district, launched a tree plantation campaign on the five acres of land chanting Grow Bosco (‘Bosco’ in Italian refers to wood/forest). The children went on the plantation drive of fruit-bearing saplings with the accompaniment of bugles and drums.