26 February 2022
Salesian Brother Sushanto Biswas, who never tired of sharing the good news with people of all religions, died on February 25, 2022, at 3.40 pm at Rabindranath Tagore International Institute of Cardiac Sciences, Kolkata, due to cardiac arrest. He was 76.
- C.M. Paul
6 February 2022
Cardinal Patrick D` Rosario released the book, Father Francis Convertini: Jibon O Dorson, on Venerable Francis Convertini, written by Arup Kumar Haldar on the occasion of the perpetual profession of five clerics here at Auxilium Parish Hall, Kolkata. Father Joseph Pauria, the Provincial of Kolkata, handed a copy to Cardinal Patrick D` Rosaria and Father Newton felicitated the author and music director.
- Arvind Barnabas KHALKHO
22 November 2021
Samthar, the most recent Salesian mission in the Kalimpong hills situated some 5,250 ft above sea level in the rugged hill terrain, held the Eucharistic procession and celebrated the feast of Christ the King on November 21, 2021.
- Wilma Lepcha
17 November 2021
The High Court judge of Panjab-Haryana, Sudip Ahluwalia, visited the Basilica at Bandel on November 11, making it a personal pilgrimage as a custom while he was in Kolkata High Court.
- Johny Nedungatt SDB
17 November 2021
On the 25th Year of the Indian Catechetical Association, in collaboration with the sector on the Dimension of Education to Faith of the Salesian Provincial Conference of South Asia (SPCSA), a webinar on `Faces of Faith in Pandemic and Post-Pandemic, ` went online from November 15. The international webinar has the presence of bishops, clergy, nuns and lay- faithful from several countries.
- Ms. Raynah Braganza
22 August 2021
If Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was the voice of Catholics in America on television and radio, Bishop Arulselvam Rayappan is the voice of Catholics in Tamil Nadu on YouTube. Speaking to the Salesians working in the Diocese, the newly Ordained Bishop of Salem invited them to be harbingers of New Media. He asked them to encourage young people to use media for evangelization and catechesis. The Bishop met the Salesians working in the Diocese on August 18, 2021.
- Herbert Amos Gandhi
16 August 2021
A book on ``ST JOSEPH: A father after the Father`s Heart`` was released by Father Thathireddy Vijaya Bhaskar, Provincial, Salesian Province of St Joseph, on August 15, 2021, on the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and India`s Independence Day, at Bosco Institute of Research and Development for Youth (BIRDY), Hyderabad, in the presence of Father Maddhichetty Noel and Father Medabalimi Balaswamy, the former provincials of Hyderabad Province.
Darjeeling: Despite the pandemic disrupting regular schedules, the nine novitiates of the South Asia Region have more novices, making their first profession this year. Starting from traditional May 24, the date for the first professions, the 120 young men will make their first profession on different dates of May 24 and 31, June 30, August 15 and September 8.
- C.M. Paul
18 April 2021
: Archbishop Emeritus Lucas Sircar of Calcutta and founder of two religious Institutes of Adoration Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Sadhan (prayerful or ascetic) Brothers died, 18 April 2021.
- C.M. Paul
25 January 2021
Rt. Rev. Emmanuel Kerketta, Bishop of Jashpur Dioecese, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to 218 boys and girls of Mary Help of Christians Church at Jumaikela on Sunday, 24th February, 2021.
- Fr. Babu Varghese SDB
29 December 2020
On 9th December 2020, Rt. Rev. Binay Kandulna, Bishop of Khunti Diocese solemnly blessed and inaugurated the newly built village chapel at Kandiyor village in Bichna Parish in Jharkhand State. Fr. Hilarius Kullu, Rector of Don Bosco, Hatia, several priests, religious and parishioners from Bichna as well as from the nearby parishes and institutions graced the occasion with their presence.
- Fr. Babu Varghese SDB
28 December 2020
Deacon Willis Pinto was ordained a priest of God during a very devout and prayerful ordination ceremony held at Holy Cross Church, Manki, Honnavar on December 28, 2020.
- Fr Francis Xavier
18 December 2020
Deacon Ronald Vaz was ordained a priest of God by His Grace Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao, Bishop Archdiocese of Goa and Daman, in the presence of Salesian Provincial of Panjim Fr Felix Fernandes, representatives of the Salesian presences of the province, parents, brother and relatives of Deacon Ronald in a meaningful ceremony held in the local language of the state of Goa and Konkan region, Konkani at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Don Bosco Panjim Campus on 18 December.
- Francis Xavier Francis
13 December 2020
Darjeeling, 14 December 2020 - In a Carol singing competition into its fifth year, organized by a community radio in the hills, youth groups have touched all high notes with winter hues, trying to outperform one another in composition of original carols and in vibrant video production.
- C.M. Paul
8 December 2020
Dhajea, 8 December 2020: Out of 11 novices at Kolkata province novitiate at Dhajea in Darjeeling hills 10 novices had their decisive movement to be Salesians when 8 novices received their cassocks and 2 lay brother novices received their crosses.
- C.M. Paul