Sowbhagya : A Boon for Bangalore!
30 January 2014
- Gilbert Choondal
Sowbhagya, A Psychological Service Centre in Bangalore, initiated by Fr. CP Varghese SDB from the Province of INK has already become the familiar word among the youth, teachers and parents of Bangalore. Started just six months ago, the Centre has already helped hundreds of teens, school children, teachers and parents in the city of Bangalore. True to the vision of Sowbhagya, which is `Holistic Growth - Key to Fulfilment`, it has made gigantic efforts during the past few months of its existence to be of service to people from all walks of life.
Sowbhagya is a component of Don Bosco Youth Services in Karnataka. Dr.(Fr.)C.P.Varghese SDB, Director, Sowbhagya who is also a team member of Bosco Youth Services in Karnataka says, ``the mission of Sowbhagya is to provide psycho-social and psycho-spiritual interventions in order to help transform the society where individuals experiencing inner happiness, psychological wellbeing and fulfilment, would strive to live in harmony with one another.``
During the current academic year, a number of programmes of animation have been conducted by Sowbhagya. They include awareness on the need for psychological counselling and mentoring in educational settings. One of the outreach programmes that has been appreciated and valued highly is the `Barefoot Counsellor Training.`
About teachers` programmes, Dr. CP Varghese says, ``the teachers by virtue of their profession, are persons who have a duty to continually deal with the issues connected with the psychological wellbeing of the students entrusted to their care. They require many skills to carry out this noble task. Moreover, they themselves need skills for stress management, in order to handle their own daily tensions. The crash course organized by Sowbhagya meets these requirements.``
Dr. CP Varghese is specialized in Cyber Psychology too. ``In a digitalized world, parenting becomes extremely challenging and demanding,`` says Fr. CP Varghese. Specialized in the area of `Cyber psychology`, Dr.(Fr.)C.P.Varghese SDB, along with his team conducts programmes especially for those parents who find their parental duties extremely difficult and challenging. The onslaught of digital culture has brought in struggles between digital citizens (children) and digital immigrants (parents) to understand each other. Sowbhagya helps to ease out this tension for both parents and children.
Sowbhagya is engaged in career guidance, which is an essential element of education especially of high school students. Presently Sowbhagya is organizing career guidance programmes at educational institutes at a convenient time of each.
In addition, `Interest and Aptitude tests` are conducted and guidance regarding career orientation and opportunities is provided to individual students. Apart from psychological assessments, the centre provides individual counselling and psychotherapy, group processing, life skills education etc.
The centre aims at providing more programmes on building self confidence, personal efficacy, social skills etc. At the moment, Sowbaghya is situated at Don Bosco Lingarajapuram. Fr. CP is backed by a team of experts to assist him at various modules of programmes offered at the Centre.