Rector Major presents the Bicentenary Strenna to the Salesian Family

Rector Major presents the Bicentenary Strenna to the Salesian Family

. Rome : The first Strenna of Fr Angel Fernandez Artime as Rector Major was presented to the Salesian Family yesterday, 27 December, at the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Rome. The strenna titled, ``Like Don Bosco, with young people, for young people``, seems like a return to the essence of the Salesian charism, reports ANS the Salesian News Agency in Rome.
Traditionally the strenna used to be presented every year on 31 December. However this year the Rector Major decided to anticipate it by a few days. Apart from this, the presentation followed the usual structure.The meeting took place in the theatre hall of the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, where Sisters from the the Community of the Generalate, the FMA novices from the two novitiates of Castelgandolfo and Rome, other Sisters from the Roman Province and several chaplains were gathered for this traditional event. Fr Angel F. Artime outlined the Strenna indicating that it is a motto that unites the whole Salesian Family. His presentation affirmed that it represents the look of Don Bosco who took on the heart of the Good Shepherd. The strenna also highlights Don Bosco`s preferential love for young people, especially those who are poor. Presenting the Strenna, the Rector Major pointed out to the two women who played a fundamental role in the Salesian charism - viz., Mamma Margaret and Mary the Mother of Jesus. There are some resources available for the strenna at www.sdb.org . Among them are a video presentation , commissioned by the Department for Social Communication and made by the Salesian Info Agency, and the text of the Strenna for in-depth study . (Source: ANS, ROME)
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