Bosco Tech Devipura aims at Youth Empowerment
6 August 2014
News written by: Ratna Neelam
. Visakhapatanam : Bosco Tech Devipura, Visakhapatanam commenced the second batch of training in Business Process outsourcing (BPO) on 5 August with a simple inaugural ceremony in the Bosco Tech campus. The Chief Guest at the function was Sr. Annie MMM, Provincial of Missionaries of Mary Mediatrix. Sr. Valasamma MMM, Vice Provincial, and Ms. Amala were also guests of honour.
The students and guests were welcomed by the director of the institute, Fr. Thomas Thottiyil SDB. Thereafter the new students took a pledge of conduct, value and dignity, both personal and those of the institution.
Fr. Thomas Thottiyil, speaking on the occasion talked of the importance of Bosco Tech in empowering the youth. He cited the examples of Don Bosco and renowned Indian celebrities Shahrukh Khan and Amitabh Bachan, who have achieved great success in life spite of having very little resources at the start of their career. Fr. Thottiyil advised the students to invest in hard work in order to climb the ladder of success, and pointed out that Bosco Tech provides ample opportunities for that.
Sr. Annie MMM cut the ribbon to signal the commencement of training of the fresh batch. She then advised the students to develop their full potential and energy. She challenged the students to accept failure into their lives and not be discouraged by them. ``It`s how we grow,`` she said. ``What matters is not that you failed, but that you recovered``. Sr. Annie expressed her great happiness seeing so many young boys and girls in Bosco Tech premises. She appreciated the Don Bosco staff and management for their commendable work for the youth.
Vennela and Vijaya Laxmi, two students of BPO, beautifully summarized the work of Bosco Tech in the form a song and critiqued the present education system wherein education is not available to the poor who can`t invest a huge amount of capital. But they expressed their joy and appreciation for the Don Bosco organization for providing free skill training for their brighter future.
This is the second batch of students at Bosco Tech, Devipura which commenced operations in May 2014.