GC29: Focus on Governance and Animation of the Congregation; Need Approval from the Vatican in Two Weeks
Turin, Italy

GC29: Focus on Governance and Animation of the Congregation; Need Approval from the Vatican in Two Weeks

News written by: Courtesy: ANS – Turin

Father Stefano Martoglio highlighted the third core theme of the Chapter on the governance and animation of the Congregation, which requires the approval of the Vatican as the selection process of candidates for various leadership roles begins in two weeks.

Two key reports were presented to the Chapter members to ensure a thorough understanding of the issues. The first, by Fr. Pascual Chávez, summarised the historical changes in the composition of the General Council and the Salesian Regions. The second, by Fr. Pier Fausto Frisoli, outlined the technical steps required to implement the decisions made in this Chapter.

Fr. Chávez recalled that since the Second Vatican Council—a pivotal moment of renewal initiated by the Holy Spirit—the Church has required all religious orders to update their statutes and governance structures. The Salesians dedicated three extraordinary General Chapters to adapting the Congregation to these new times. Fr. Chávez explained: “GC19, held during the Council, raised awareness and prepared the groundwork. GCS20, which lasted nine months, set the new structures in motion. GC21 revised, corrected, confirmed, and deepened the changes. GC22 re-examined, refined, completed, and finalised the process.”

Throughout these transformations, the challenge was to have unity within the Salesian Congregation while allowing greater autonomy at the local level. According to Fr. Chávez, all governance adaptations had to serve a synchronous function (ensuring unity through the central sectors or departments) and a diachronic function (allowing decentralisation through the Regions).

Fr. Frisoli then directed the Chapter members’ attention to three crucial topics requiring their deliberation:

1. The configuration of the Regions – Based on an analysis of reports from Provincial Chapters, 64 times the need to divide the current Africa-Madagascar Region into two distinct areas has been highlighted.

2. The composition of the General Council – The number of Council members must align with the updated definition of the Congregation’s departments to determine how many members will be elected (currently, there are five).

3. Eligibility requirements for the Rectors Major, Provincials, and Rectors – A rescript issued by Pope Francis on May 18, 2022, allows the selection of religious superiors from among non-priest confreres. While the first point will be addressed in the next six-year period based on GC29 decisions, the other two directly impact the election of the Rector Major and the General Councillors, as they require modifications to the Salesian Constitutions (Article 133 for point 2; Articles 162, 177, and 189 for point 3). Consequently, approval by the Vatican is required in two weeks, as the selection process for candidates for the various leadership roles will begin.


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