New Delhi
Salesian Province New Delhi Inaugurates 9th Provincial Chapter
News written by: Fr. Ashok Kujur
The Province of Jesus, the Good Shepherd, New Delhi, in its Silver Jubilee Year, began the 9th Provincial Chapter, on February 14, 2022, at Don Bosco Specialized Training Centre, Okhla, New Delhi, in the presence of 52 Chapter members and observers comprising of youth and lay collaborators. Provincial Chapter has its theme, ``What kind of Salesians for the Youth of Today?``
The Archbishop of New Delhi His Grace, Most Rev. Anil J.T. Couto, and representatives from the Salesian family - Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), Sisters of Mary Help of Christians, Disciple Sisters and Co-operators, expressed their solidarity with the Salesians with their loving presence. Father Davis John Maniparamben, the 5th Provincial Superior, officiated the Chapter proceedings with Father Dr Sajan M George as the Moderator of the Chapter. The Moderator briefly explained the four tasks of the Chapter, namely, Salesian Vocation and Formation, Absolute priority for the young, Collaboration with others and Financial Resource Management and Administration. The messages of Father Stefano Martoglio, Vicar of Rector Major and Father Biju Michael, General Councillor for South Asia, were readout. On this auspicious occasion, His Grace, Anil J. Couto, inaugurated the official YouTube channel of the Province. The Archbishop appreciated the Salesians for their contribution to the Church by highlighting the services rendered to the Church of New Delhi through the various Salesian institutions. He presented Don Bosco as the model of Salesian youth pastoral service by underlining the words of St. John Bosco as given in the office of Reading of January 31, the feast of the saint. ``The youth of today are confused and misguided. They need to be cared with love and affection. The charism of Don Bosco is to be lived with zeal. The signs of the time must be recognized and interpreted to meet the needs of the young with creativity and dynamism,`` he said. Father Maniparamben, the Provincial, presented the state of the Province with Father Biju Abraham, the Provincial Economer, who stated the financial status of the Province. The enthusiasm, positivity and fraternal spirit were apparent in the discussion that ensued on the state of the Province as presented by the Provincial.