New Delhi
South Asia Regional Fr. Biju Michael releases the Manual for Formms. Others present: Fr. Davis, Fr. Shailanand, Fr. Jose Mathew, Fr. Mannath, Fr. Parappully.
Manual For Formees released
News written by: Jose Parappully
New Delhi. February 8. Two volumes of the much awaited six-volume series Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration: Manual for Formees, -- the Pre-Novitiate, authored by Johny Nedungatt SDB, and the Novitiate, authored by Fr. Joy Kai SDB and Sr. Josmy Jose FMA, -- were released today by Rev. Biju Michael SDB, South Asia Regional of the Salesians of Don Bosco, at the Don Bosco Provincial House New Delhi.
News stories are all about how people are affected.
New Delhi. February 8. Two volumes of the much awaited six-volume series Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration: Manual for Formees, -- the Pre-Novitiate, authored by Johny Nedungatt SDB, and the Novitiate, authored by Fr. Joy Kai SDB and Sr. Josmy Jose FMA, -- were released today by Rev. Biju Michael SDB, South Asia Regional of the Salesians of Don Bosco, at the Don Bosco Provincial House New Delhi.
The first copy of the Novitiate volume was presented to Fr. Joe Mannath, the National Secretary of the Conference of Religious of India (CRI), and of the Pre-Novitiate volume to Fr. Shilanand Kerketta, the Pre-Novice Director of the New Delhi Salesian Province. Copies of both were presented to Fr. Jose Mathew, the outgoing Provincial of New Delhi Province, Fr. Davis Maniparamben, the newly installed Provincial of New Delhi and to Fr. Biju Michael.
These volumes have received excellent pre-publication reviews. Sr. Gracy D`Silva, SCGC, Novice Mistress, described the Manuals as ``a treasure -- a timely and much needed guide, ready help in doubt and confusion. It is a clear, precise, systematic, admirable and absorbing work of stunning clarity and disarming honesty, full of practical insights, provides answers to the many `really real` questions that formees/youth carry in their hearts.``
``The Manuals answer very admirably a long-felt need,`` observed Fr. Thomas Tharayil SDB, former Novice Master. ``They are very useful. The topics dealt with are appropriate and relevant. They are explained forthrightly, sensitively and expertly. They will certainly help the formees in their growth toward psychosexual maturity.``
Formation Towards Psychosexual and Celibate Integration: Manual for Formees addresses the human formation of the formees at six different stages-- aspirantate, pre-novitiate, novitiate, post-novitiate, regency/juniorate/university studies and stage of theological studies -- so that they may develop as psychologically and sexually integrated persons with proper understanding of sexuality and celibacy and able to live their celibate commitment faithfully and fruitfully.
The idea for preparing a series of manuals for formess originated after the publication of the much acclaimed Psychosexual Integration and Celibate Maturity: Handbook for Religious and Priestly Formation in two volumes, in 2012, by the Salesian Psychological Association (SPA) and the South Asia Formation Commission (SAFC) of the Salesians. This handbook was primarily addressed to the formators. Soon after its publication there was a demand for a Manual for formees based on the book. Once again the SAFC and SPA came together and planned a series in six volumes.
Jose Kuttianimattathil and Jose Parappully, editors of the original work, were appointed editors of this series too. They got together a team of competent writers for each phase of formation.
In regard to the format of the Manuals, after a short introduction and introductory prayer there is a ``Story Starter`` that introduces the theme and leads to a discussion. It is followed by ``Exploring in Depth`` where the theme is studied at a depth proportionate to the particular stage of formation. Reflection questions found in the text facilitate the integration of what is being learned into one`s life. At the end, the section on ``Exercise/Application`` proposes various assignments and tasks for going deeper into the theme, personalizing the insights gained and working on oneself to effect transformation. Boxed texts, vignettes and illustrations invite one to get engaged with the topic more deeply. The sessions end with a concluding prayer.
``These manuals are going to be of great help to the formators as well as the formees,`` observed Fr. Joe Mannath, the National secretary of the CRI. ````Many formators in India do not have sufficient training. These manuals are very handy tools that they can use to enhance the formation process in the area of psychosexual and celibate maturity.``