New Delhi
Sumedha Sadhana - An inner journey in quest of healing & wholeness.
SUMEDHA Jeolikote Offers PsychoSpiritual Wholeness Journey `Sumedha Sadhana`
News written by: Father Babu Varghese
Sumedha, the centre for renewal of body, mind and spirit through insights and practices from psychology and spiritual traditions, is located in the rejuvenating lush green Kumaon foothills of the Himalayas, 18 km south of the tourist town of Nainital. Sumedha Sadhana, the PsychoSpiritual Wholeness Journey, which is the centre`s 9-week long niche programme, is especially useful for formators and leaders is scheduled for October to December, 2020.
Sumedha refers to a healthy brain that controls entire body-mind systems, as well as to rejuvenation of body and mind. Sumedha Centre is a venture of the New Delhi Province of the Salesians of Don Bosco.
Father Jose Parappully, Director of Sumedha, says: ``Sumedha Sadhana is an inner journey in quest of greater healing and wholeness.`` Participants begin from where they are, looking at what is happening on their psychospiritual journey. They then move on to explore the psychological dynamics that affect their wellbeing, get in touch with their emotional and spiritual blocks and brokenness and seek healing so that they can live and minister in more joyful, satisfying and fruitful ways.
Holistic & Process Spiritualities, Cosmic, Creation & Feminist Spiritualities, Religious & Community Life, Prayer & Meditation, Personality & Healthy Emotional Life, Midlife Dynamics & the Spiritual Journey, Sexuality & Celibacy, Persona, Shadow & the Unconscious and Trauma & Healing are some of the major topics that are explored in this programme. During group therapy participants have the opportunity to face their woundedness and brokenness, their unhelpful patterns of living and relating and move on to greater healing and wholeness. The programme concludes with a spiritual retreat.
Insights from Christian faith and wisdom traditions, various psychological theories of development, as well as experiential tools and techniques from Bioenergetics, NLP, Intensive Journal, Expressive Arts, Multi -Media, Yoga, Qigong, Prayer & Meditation practices, and Sacred Scripture are used to explore and enhance one`s psychospiritual journey.
Appreciating the programme at Sumedha, Jacintha says: ``Sumedha was a wonderful experience. I came here worn out. I go back strengthened... I received what the programme promised.`` ``Sumedha Sadhana is not academic, but experiential. I feel more integrated within me.`` says Gilbert.