Youth trained towards Nation Building

Youth trained towards Nation Building

The Salesian Youth Movement, India (SYM - India) had its Youth Leaders and Animators Formation (LAF) programme organised in 4 regions, starting in the last week of July till the first of September 2019. This flagship programme of the Movement is meant for the leaders of local units and their animators. Initiated three years back with the aim to strengthen and embolden the Movement, regional approach was adopted in carrying out the formation of the young leaders and their animators, given the geographical vastness and diverse nature of its inhabitants. The 11 different provinces are grouped into 4 regions (South, West, Northeast & Centre) taking into consideration closeness to each other with regard to cultures, language, food habits and possibilities of immediate collaboration.

The two day programme focused on clear set of objectives. The Learning Objectives of the Programme were Building and strengthening relationship and the Movement, Living together the spirituality within SYM-India, Getting to know more of Don Bosco and the SDBs, Learning to guide and accompany Movements, Evolving common parameters for SYM-India and Formation on the national SPCSA theme ``Nation building in the Constitutional way``. The first day was dedicated to Salesian aspects like more of Don Bosco, Preventive System for the young and Leadership a daily task. The forthcoming national gathering of SYM-India, Youth Expo 2010 was discussed particularly to enhance the contribution of the young in it. Day two was set aside in creating awareness on the Indian Constitution with specific focus on the fundamental rights and duties. The formation programme was scheduled on the weekends for the convenience of the young. The first programme began with the Western Region at Pune on 27-28 July followed by Northeast Region at Shillong on 03-04 Aug, Southern Region at Trichy on 17-18 Aug and Central Region at Ranchi on 31-01 Sept. With an average of 50 participants in each of the regions there were 200 youngsters who received the formation. The host provinces and the SYM Coordinators with the members of their Movement had looked into the logistics of the programme. In the final sharing they expressed their thirst to know more about Don Bosco and his system of education and spirituality as well as committed to building a better nation. ``Every healthy society is guided by its conscience. The Constitutions is the conscience of our Nation. Therefore we ought to permit ourselves to be guided by the Constitutions, particularly when the going gets tough. Interestingly the youth manifested great interest in knowing and being aware of the Constitutions. They were gripped by the power that lies in each of the articles and the words. said Father Robert Simon, Assistant Director of Don Bosco Youth Animation team. ``The absolute and most powerful tool for nation building is the Constitutions. Owe to us if we waste it. I feel so foolish that I have been ignorant of my own rights and privileges for so long.`` said one of the youngster who participated in the programme.

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