Rev. Fr. Joseph Pampackal installed as 8th Provincial of Dimapur Province

Rev. Fr. Joseph Pampackal installed as 8th Provincial of Dimapur Province

6 August 2024
- Fr. Santosh Mundu sdb

On 3rd August, Rev. Fr. Joseph Pampackal, SDB, was installed as the 8th Provincial of the Salesian Province of Dimapur in the presence of Fr. Biju Michael, the Regional Superior for South East Asia. The Salesians, Salesian Family members, Religious from neighbouring communities, guests and well-wishers attended the installation ceremony.

Fr. Nazarius Lakra, the outgoing Vice Provincial, welcomed the esteemed guests during the Holy Mass. Fr. Biju Michael presided over the Mass with four Salesian provincials, Bishop Emeritus Joseph Aind of the Diocese of Dibrugarh, and 90 priests.

In his address, Fr. Joseph Pampackal expressed gratitude and pledged to meet the expectations of the Rector Major, the Congregation, and the Province.

During the felicitation program hosted by Fr. T C Joseph, Fr. Biju Michael expressed gratitude to the outgoing Provincial, Fr. Jose Kuruvachira, SDB, for his effective leadership over the past six years. Fr. Jose Kuruvachira delivered a heartfelt farewell message, thanking everyone for the journey with him. Fr. James Mani, representing the batchmates of the new Provincial, spoke on the occasion.

The event also featured the release of Fr. PX Andrew's book Echoes of Grace. The book celebrates the lives of some Salesians and their intellectual and spiritual contributions of the time.

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