Nongkyndang village has Don Bosco Secondary School

Nongkyndang village has Don Bosco Secondary School

26 February 2024
- Michael Makri SDB

The new Don Bosco Secondary School building under the care of Sonapahar Parish in Nongkyndang village, Shillong, was blessed on February 25, by Father Paul O Lyngkot, the Provincial of Shillong Province, with Father James Thyrniang, the Economer of the Province, Father Sebastian Tirkey, the Parish Priest and numerous priests, religious, youth, parents and students.

The event commenced with Father Paul O. Lyngkot, the Provincial, cutting the ribbon, followed by a solemn blessing ceremony and Holy Eucharist. Reginald Kharkongor, the BDO of Mawshynrut block, graced the occasion with his presence.

Father Paul emphasized the importance of repaying God with good deeds rather than monetary offerings, acknowledging divine blessings in the Salesians' aspiration to establish a school in the village. The adoration led by Father Paul and a vibrant session of praise and worship by the faithful marked a joyous milestone for the community.

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