GC29: This week at the General Chapter (March 10-15)
Turin, Italy

GC29: This week at the General Chapter (March 10-15)

News written by: Courtesy: ANS – Turin

This week, the 29th General Chapter will be marked by decisive moments of discussion, voting, and discernment, which will shape the future of the Salesian Congregation, always oriented towards fidelity to Don Bosco's charism and the challenges of the Salesian mission.


The main topics on the agenda are: the Organization of Regions, the Organization of the General Council, and the Priesthood Requirement for Leadership Levels.

Here is an overview of the schedule in the coming days.

Monday: Decisive Decisions on the Organization of Regions
The second vote will take place regarding the establishment of a new region in Africa and Madagascar. If the vote is positive, the chapter members from the Africa Madagascar region present will propose an internal subdivision of the region, which will be submitted to the assembly for approval. Another point of discussion will be Croatia’s request to join the Mediterranean Region: a first vote has already yielded positive results, but further confirmations are awaited.

Tuesday: Focus on the Organization of the General Council
The day will be dedicated to the second theme of the third nucleus, namely the structure of the General Council. Starting at 11:00 a.m., the commissions will present their proposals to the assembly, which will then be refined and put to a vote. Since these involve amendments to the articles of the Constitution, a qualified two-thirds majority will be required, making this phase particularly delicate and crucial.

Wednesday and Thursday: Debate on the Priesthood Requirement for Leadership
The debate on the priesthood requirement for leadership roles – Rector, Provincial, and Rector Major – will take centre stage. This topic, related to the rescript granted by the Pope, opens the possibility for some congregations not to require priesthood for these roles. The discussion will be complex, as it touches on charismatic and pastoral aspects of the Congregation and will require careful evaluation of the balance between fidelity to Don Bosco's vision and current needs.

Weekend: Work on the first Thematic Nucleus
Towards Thursday and Friday, the first draft of the first thematic nucleus is expected to be finalized, while work on the second nucleus may already begin. The week will conclude with a synthesis of the work carried out in preparation for the elections of the General Council scheduled for the following week.

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