GC29: Chapter Members Visit Alassio
A large group of Chapter members visited the Salesian house in Alassio on Sunday, March 9 and spent an intense eight hours retracing the history that led Don Bosco to Alassio in 1869, when the local municipality asked him to take charge of the education of young people in the area and beyond. The activities of this house have been entrusted to laypeople since the academic year of 2020-2021, and the resident Salesian community withdrew in early September 2024.
The place, an ancient convent, was purchased on September 20, 1870, for 22,000 lire, forming the foundation of the current Salesian Institute. Here, Fr. Francesco Cerruti, the first Rector of Alassio, implemented the Preventive System and developed its theoretical framework. On January 2, 1879, Don Bosco established the first four provinces: Piedmontese, Roman, American, and Ligurian-French, with Fr. Cerruti as the first Provincial.
The Salesians were given a fast-paced tour, starting at the school, where they listened to the biography of Vera Grita, a Servant of God and Salesian Cooperator. They then visited the cloister, the church, and the oratory before heading to the beach, recalling that the first state concession for the land was granted to Don Bosco by the municipality in 1870—further proof of the Saint of Youth’s forward-thinking vision. The visit culminated in the 'Camerette,' the rooms where Don Bosco stayed during his visits or while passing through on his way to France. These rooms still house his writing desk, various original manuscripts, a kneeler, and the large chair where he used to rest.
Around midday, Fr. Ivo Coelho, General Councillor for Formation, celebrated Mass. In his homily, he reminded everyone that “for all of us, Salesians and laypeople alike, the only true question to assess our presence is not the impact of our work, but a question of discernment: what does the Lord want from us?”
After a lunch featuring Ligurian specialities, the Chapter members travelled to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rocks in Laigueglia. The sanctuary’s name derives from the Catalan word Pena, meaning 'rock,' due to its vertical position over the sea. Since 2011, a bust of Don Bosco has stood there in memory of his two visits to the church. In 1881, Don Bosco celebrated Mass at the shrine, and the following year, he spent the entire month of August there in spiritual retreat.
“It was a demanding yet very enriching day spent with the Salesians of the General Chapter. It was a truly positive experience. The atmosphere was very serene, and there was great interest in our community,” summarized one of the Salesian Cooperators from the house.