Don Bosco Youth Centre Celebrates World Environment Day
Father Cyril Edamana, the Rector and Manager of Don Bosco College Mannuthy, graced the WED celebrations. As an inspiration to all those gathered, he emphasized the importance of environmental consciousness and the role one can play in nurturing the planet. Adding depth and significance to the event, Father Joy Ullattil, the Principal of Don Bosco College Mannuthy, delivered the message. He underscored World Environment Day, highlighting the urgent need to protect and preserve our natural resources for future generations.
The dedicated efforts of Father Robin Mathew, the Director of Don Bosco Youth Centre, and the enthusiastic members of the Youth Centre made the celebrations possible. Their meticulous planning and execution ensured the day was a resounding success. Working in collaboration with the Forest Department, they arranged for the distribution of the plants, enabling individuals to contribute to the greening of their surroundings.