Don Bosco YaR Aftercare and Short Stay Home holds Decennial Celebrations

Don Bosco YaR Aftercare and Short Stay Home holds Decennial Celebrations

Making an impact in the ministry for the Young at risk for the last four decades and more through its Anbu Illam (A Home of Love) project, the Salesian Province of Chennai has completed a decade of service at the Don Bosco Young at Risk Aftercare and Short Stay Home located in Chennai. The 10th Anniversary celebration of the Don Bosco Young at Risk Aftercare and Short Stay Home was held on February 16 in Chennai. 

Since its inception ten years ago, about 2125 boys and girls from risky and delinquent backgrounds have been accompanied and mentored through skill-training programs, higher education opportunities and job placements in India and abroad. Eighty-two boys and girls are currently under direct care, accompaniment and supervision. These youngsters are young offenders who are either orphans or semi-orphans coming from government juvenile homes.

"This ministry directly transports me to Don Bosco's times and helps me get into his shoes and appreciate his foresight. I salute this great saint of the young for his noble vision and proactive mission for the young at risk nearly two centuries ago. I feel honoured to be playing my part in this great dream as we celebrate the 200th anniversary of Don Bosco's dream at nine", said Father Vincent Xavier, the founding director and the present joint director of DB YaR ministry, on the decennial anniversary.

The occasion was solemnized by a concelebrated Holy Eucharist, presided over by Most Rev. Peter Remigious, the Bishop emeritus of Kottar Diocese, with the Provincial Father Don Bosco, Father Pichaimuthu, the Director, Father M. Vincent Xavier, the founding director and the present joint director of DB YaR ministry, Father T. Vinoth, in charge of DB YaR Aftercare Home and other dignitaries.

The presence of Mr Mohandas, the Chairman of the Child Welfare Committee and Mr James, the District Child Protection Officer, added joy to the celebrations as they acknowledged and praised the tireless service of the Salesians of Don Bosco in favour of the poor and young, especially those at risk. 

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