New Delhi
Sumedha Sadhana Mini June-July 2009 Participants


30 July 2009
News written by: Jose Parappully
Jeolikote. July 30. Sumedha Sadhana, a 50-day residential Psycho-Spiritual Integration programme at Sumedha Centre for Psychology and Spirituality, Jeolikote, concluded this afternoon.
The eleven participants including three Salesians (two from Sri Lanka and one from Tanzania) were extremely satisfied with the programme and the set up. ``This place is so beautiful,`` Sr. Christie, a hospital administrator from Patna observed. ``The lush green hills, the chirping birds, the cascading waters of the stream, all these create a wonderful environment in which to pray and reflect,`` she added. ``The high quality of the inputs really enriched me and helped to give myself a new orientation,`` said Fr. Varghese, a Professor of Philosophy and a Novice Master from Sri Lanka. ``I came here confused, tired of life. I had half decided to give up all together,`` disclosed Sr. Anita (name changed). `` Now I go back refreshed and renewed. Thanks to Sumedha Sadhana, I have found meaning in life again,`` she said cheerfully. ``The Psychological Dynamics on the Spiritual Journey`` module facilitated by Fr. Jose Parappully SDB, Sumedha Centre`s director and a clinical psychologist, laid the foundation for the modules that followed. In the ``The Universe Story, Jesus Story, Our Story - and the Word`` Br. Gerard Alavarez CFC offered a spirituality for our times with new symbols and rituals, and a creative approach to integrating spirituality and sexuality. Group therapy, facilitated by Fr. Peter Lourdes SDB and Fr. Godfrey D`Sa SDB helped participants discover their dysfunctional life patterns and move toward healing and wholeness. Sumedha Sadhana concluded with a spiritual retreat directed by Fr. Jose Parappully SDB. This is the second Psycho-Spiritual Integration programme conducted at Jeolikote. The first was from March 15 to May 15. The next one is scheduled for October 01 to November 19 this year. Sumedha Centre is a venture of the Salesian Province of New Delhi. It was set up in 2003 at the Salesian Provincial House, New Delhi, as a unit of Bosco Psychological Services. The centre was shifted to Jeolikote, 18 km south of the tourist town of Nainital in Uttarakhand in March this year.
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