Building the Synodal Church with Youth through Sports and Games
Following Don Bosco words, “Let the boys have full liberty to jump, run and make as much noise as they please. Gymnastics, music, theatrical and outings are most efficacious means of obtaining discipline and benefitting spiritual and bodily health,” the Don Bosco Shrine, Bandlaguda Jagir, Hyderabad, organized a day of sports and games for the youth of the Archdiocese of Hyderabad on February 10th. The introductory and concluding gathering focussed on imparting Don Bosco’s participatory and collaborative lifestyle in the Church and society.
Competitions were organized in badminton, football, table tennis, throwball and volleyball according to age categories. Three hundred youths from 18 parishes participated in the various events. Trophies and certificates were distributed to the winners. It has been an opportunity to showcase a true sportive spirit. It was entirely coordinated and organized by the youth and youth leaders of Don Bosco Shrine, Hyderabad.