QCI (Quality Council of India) Assessment Programme at Summanahalli

QCI (Quality Council of India) Assessment Programme at Summanahalli

The QCI Assessment Programme was officially inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Varghese Sdb, the Director of Don Bosco Technical Institute, Summanahalli on September 02, 2011.
Mr. Dinesh Nijawan, the Director of DGET welcomed the gathering and wished them all success and fruitful stay for 2 days of continuous training and assessments in different trades such as welding, tailoring and the carpentry. It was followed by the talk by S K Varma, the trainer from QCI in which he dwelt on the general information about QCI and its objectives under the scheme of MES. He made a sincere appeal to the gathering to reflect seriously on the deplorable condition and to come out with a proper solution to the existing problem of technical industries in India. Later in the afternoon the programme continued with theory tests conducted by the domain experts. The event witnessed participants from Hyderabad, Delhi and Bombay. Mr. Mahesh Assistant Manager for South and Southwest anchored the programme. The objective of this programme is to equip our trainers at Summanahalli with latest skills of assessment in both theory and practice. This was demonstrated by the experts from QCI and a kind of advertisement for Don Bosco Technical Centre to the government organisations.
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