
We respond to the pastoral needs of the particular church in which the community seeks adequate opportunities to serve, especially the young, the poor and the needy.



Inspired by the charism of St. John Bosco, the Salesian Parish encourages the faithful to reflect on their life experience and discern God’s presence in their lives. It aims to nurture lay leadership as well as personal faith. The Salesians carry out their mission in parishes responding to the pastoral needs of the particular church in which the community seeks adequate opportunities to serve, especially the young, the poor and the needy.

The parish entrusted to the Salesians nourishes devotion to Mary Help of Christians as it embraces all within the universal communion of the Church. Don Bosco's Madonna is considered to be a very active presence encouraging all to follow Jesus better. "Do whatever he tells you" continues to be Mary's invitation.

The parish is thus for the Salesian “a field of action which has as its centre a community of Salesians to whom the Church entrusts its mission of proclaiming the Kingdom of God and education to faith.”

