Mc Ahmednagar in Ahmednagar has a school named Don Bosco English Medium School. 7 dedicated and professional teachers ensure that the children get the maximum out of their eduaction in this Other Board school.
Don Bosco English Medium School was started in the year 2007. The primary medium of instruction is English and the student teacher ratio is 65:1. Every member of the school is committed to provide the best learning environment.
Classes from 1 to 8 run in this school. This school has approximately 458 as student strength.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.
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Mc Ahmednagar in Ahmednagar has a school named Don Bosco English Medium School. 7 dedicated and professional teachers ensure that the children get the maximum out of their eduaction in this Other Board school.
Don Bosco English Medium School was started in the year 2007. The primary medium of instruction is English and the student teacher ratio is 65:1. Every member of the school is committed to provide the best learning environment.
Classes from 1 to 8 run in this school. This school has approximately 458 as student strength.
The school has given exceptional results in the academic sphere and its students have excelled in extra co-curricular activities too.