Category | Animation Notes |
Published Year | 2025 |
Language | English |
Tags | communication, SSCS, handbook, GILDÁSIO, social communications, guidelines, |
Access | Public |
Sensitivity | Secular |
Viewed | 707 |
Posted By | PT Joseph SDB |
Curated By | South Asia Chief Editor |
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This handbook is being published 14 years after the text bearing the title
Salesian Social Communication System, and is the result of collaboration with
Communication Delegates, experts in communication and other consultants.
It will certainly be enriched by your knowledge and experience.
The Salesian Congregation, in its various areas of intervention, always aims
to keep up with the times. This is an attitude that over the years has led us
to the continuous search for dialogue between faith and science, the gospel
and youth culture, the Preventive System and the digital world.
As educators of young people, we are responding to the challenges and
opportunities of digital culture through profound reflection on
communication and the use of various information technologies, the internet,
social networks and, most recently, Artificial Intelligence....
...... The goal of this new Document is to be a guide and a formation tool in
continuity with what has been stated in the earlier edition, at the same time
seeking to respond in a Salesian style to the socio-cultural changes of the
new generations and the digital world. Through new educative and pastoral
demands and cultural challenges along the Church’s journey, it is necessary
to bring communication closer to the evangelising and educative proposal
of Salesian Youth Ministry.
This Document is a tool offered by the Social Communication Sector to shed
light on, update and guide the reflection, practice and sharing of
communication work in each Educative and Pastoral Community. All this can
be achieved through the various Communication Delegates and their teams.
Finally, the Document aims to contribute to the formation of Salesians and
lay people who work collaboratively in carrying out the Salesian mission in
today’s world.
Rome, 31 January 2025
General Councillor for Social Communication
Direzione Generale Opere Don Bosco
Sede Centrale Salesiana
Via Marsala 42 - 00185 Rome