Category | Manuals |
Published Year | 2024 |
Language | English |
Tags | INSTRUMENTUM LABORIS, GC, CG, chapter, animation, care, salesian family, governance, lay people, |
Access | Public |
Sensitivity | Secular |
Viewed | 84 |
Posted By | PT Joseph SDB |
Curated By | South Asia Chief Editor |
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“And he appointed twelve, to be with him,
and to be sent out to preach and have authority to cast out demons” (Mk 3:14-15)
The 29th General Chapter represents a crucial moment of reflection, discernment, and renewal
for the Salesian Congregation. The theme, “Passionate about Jesus Christ, dedicated to young
people” is an invitation for us to undertake a profound examination of our identity and mission in
the contemporary context characterised by rapid social, pastoral, cultural and technological
changes. Our mission among young people, especially those who are the poorest and most
marginalised, demands that we be courageous and creative, remaining ever faithful to the charism
of Don Bosco. .........