Wherever God wants us: Accompanying the first vocational dreams
Wherever God wants us: Accompanying the first vocational dreams
Category Animation Notes
Published Year 2024
Language English
Tags flash, Miguel Angel, dreams, youth ministry, call, freedom, grace, animation, vocational guidance,
Access Public
Sensitivity Secular
Viewed 1140
Posted By PT Joseph SDB
Curated By South Asia Chief Editor

Many young people do not know that God has a dream for each one of them, a custom-designed project. Behind God’s dream there is always enormous joy. The secret of the much-desired happiness is precisely the meeting and correspondence of two dreams: ours and God’s....

  1. A vocational call in the form of a dream
  2. Vocation is a game of grace and freedom
  3. Serving young people in the place where they allow themselves to be encountered by God
  4. “This is your field; this is where you must work”

Flash: Salesian Youth Ministry Animation

Number 6, July 2024

Youth Ministry Sector