Teach us to pray
Teach us to pray
Category Magazines
Published Year 2024
Language English
Tags salesian bulletin, spirituality, prayer, how to,
Access Public
Sensitivity Religious
Viewed 1024
Posted By PT Joseph SDB
Curated By South Asia Chief Editor

This issue of St. John Bosco Today shines a warm spotlight on the essence of prayer in celebration of the Year of Prayer. These pages unite us to explore the thoughts, reflections, best practices, and even the honest struggles of some cherished members of the Salesian Family on Prayer. Our inspiration for this theme goes beyond just following a trend; it's about reconnecting with the profound legacy of our beloved Father, St. John Bosco. 

In a speech of the Rector Major, Don Bosco’s 10th successor, Cardinal Angel Fernandez Artime challenges us Salesians to “recognize that in the Congregation, depth of interior life is not our strength. I refuse to think, I told you that this is part of our Salesian DNA because Don Bosch was not like that, nor did he want us to be. Having recognized this weakness with the help of the Holy Spirit, we need to find the strength to reverse this trend” (GC27, Final speech of the RM, 3.2).

As I delved into the heartfelt articles contributed by these members of the Salesian Family, I was filled with joy at the vibrant expressions of our unique Salesian spirit.
It's not about imitation but a genuine, lived experience of faith, reaching out to commune with our Lord.... 


Fr. Donnie Duchin Duya, SDB