The Friendly Talk with the Rector, Spiritual Accompaniment, and Admissions: Some orientations and guidelines (For AGC 438 July-Dec 2022).
The Friendly Talk with the Rector, Spiritual Accompaniment, and Admissions: Some orientations and guidelines (For AGC 438 July-Dec 2022).
Category Animation Notes
Published Year 2022
Language English
Tags AGC, Rector, friendly talk, accompaniment, spiritual, orientations, guidelines, Pope, Pope Francis, noviate, prenovitiate, confidentiality, guide,
Access Public
Sensitivity Religious
Viewed 1082
Posted By PT Joseph SDB
Curated By INM News Editors

We are witnessing a new attention to spiritual accompaniment and formation, both in the Church and in the Congregation. In the Church, the latest signs of this are the Synod on Youth and the post-synodal apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis, Christus vivit. In the Congregation we had the survey about young Salesians and accompaniment in 2017, followed by Young Salesians and Accompaniment: Orientations and Guidelines (2020), and we are now celebrating the year dedicated to Francis de Sales, a saint who is renowned for his teaching and practice of spiritual accompaniment.


Spiritual accompaniment is at the centre of our charism: it is enough to look at Don Bosco’s own experience and at his pastoral praxis with young people and his Salesians.