DBMNTV in aid of underprivileged families

DBMNTV in aid of underprivileged families

- Fr Michael Makri sdb

Don Bosco Media Network Television team and the Youth United For Christ prayer group distributed clothes and other materials in Mawkynrew, Umtong villages in Shillong on May 7. The various items were contributed by well-wishers to aid underprivileged families in and around Shillong.

On arrival at the village, Babu Donbok briefed about the programme, and Dondor welcomed the team. The Basic Christian Community of Mawkynrew sang a welcome song followed by a dance by the young people of Umtong.

Father Michael Makri appreciated the organizers, friends who had helped the team, and everyone present. He urged the people to do good deeds no matter who and where they are from. Almighty who created us wishes us to do good to one another, Fr Makri said.

Various items were distributed to families in need, followed by the praise and worship conducted by the Youth United For Christ group. Present for the occasion were Salesian Brother Barnabas Khriam, the Manager of Don Bosco Technical School Shillong, the United For Christ prayer group, members and leaders of the Basic Christian Community Mawkynrew, Umtong, men and women, kids and young people.

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