Indian Salesian Father Thommai Antonyrajan Dies in Sri Lanka

Indian Salesian Father Thommai Antonyrajan Dies in Sri Lanka

Indian Salesian Father Thommai Antonyrajan of the Salesian Province of Tiruchy [INT] who was working in the Province of Sri Lanka [LKC], met a tragic end at sea, and was confirmed dead at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, 14 June 2020. He was aged 56. Father Thommai was a former Vice-Provincial of the Salesian Province of Tiruchy from 2005-2008.
Born on 06 September 1964, at Idinthakarai, to Leon Santhacruz and Berchmans Mary, Father Thommai made his 1st profession on 24 May 1982; his final profession on 04 June 1989 and was ordained priest on 29 december 1992. Post-Ordination Father Thommai had served at Ennore, Yelagiri, proceeded for higher studies to the U.S.A, in Tiruchy [Amsam and Manikandam], Vellakinar, DB Dindigul, Therespuram, and in DB Thanjavur, in various capacities as Youth Animator, Vice Recto/Dean, Asst. Parish Priest/Alaigal Media Department, Rector, Vice Provincial, Province Youth Director, Youth Director -Dindigul Diocese, Director/Parish Priest and as Administrator. From 2016-2018, Father Thommai served as Administrator-Animator at the Don Bosco Renewal Centre [DBRC], Bengaluru. Thereafter he worked in Sri Lanka at Metiyagane [2018-2019] as Counselor-Teacher and as of date, he was serving as Counselor at Pallavarayankaddu from 2019. Prayers for his eternal repose and sincere sympathies to the provincials and conferes of Tiruchy and Sri Lanka.
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